Local plan data

Vale of White Horse District Council

Local plans


Joint Local Plan 2041

Joint plan with

Planning policy url

Plan period


Housing numbers

719.5* Housing requirement yearly average
View source document *Breakdown set for this local authority
South Oxfordshire has a standard method figure of 605 homes per annum*. Over a twenty-year plan period (2021 to 2041), this results in a total housing need of 12,100 homes. In addition to this, we have previously agreed through the last local plan to accommodate 4,950 homes for Oxford’s unmet need for the period 2021 to 2036. Therefore, between 2021 and 2036, the housing requirement is 935 homes per annum (our own needs, plus Oxford’s unmet need). Between 2036 and 2041, the housing requirement will reduce in line with the standard method to 605 dwellings per annum. This makes the total housing requirement over the plan period 17,050 homes. The Vale of White Horse has a standard method figure of 628 homes per annum*. Over a twenty-year plan period (2021 to 2041), this results in a total housing need of 12,560 homes. In addition to this, we have previously agreed through the last local plan to accommodate 2,200 homes for Oxford’s unmet need for the period 2019 to 2031. This equates to 183 homes per annum, which will continue to form part of the housing requirement from 2021 to 2031. Therefore, between 2021 and 2031, the housing requirement will be 811 homes per annum. Between 2031 and 2041, the housing requirement will reduce in line with the standard method to 628 dwellings per annum. This makes the total housing requirement over the plan period 14,390 homes. *Calculated using the 2022 affordability ratio. This figure will change each year.

PINS data

Local development framework number: 2114

emerging 01 Jan 2021
PINS Timeline
emerging 01 Jan 2021

Local Plan 2031 Part 1: Strategic Sites and Policies (as modified by Part 2 Plan, 9 Oct 2019)

Planning policy url

Plan period


Housing numbers

22,760 Housing requirement total
View source document
Unmet housing need in Oxford (2,200) in VoWH. The Council have defined the unmet need (to be added to the housing requirement of 20560) as 2,200 – and that this applies to the whole plan period (See Core Policy 4a). We consider that this revisits the housing requirement because there is an increase in the housing requirement set out in the adopted development plan; i.e. they haven’t simply just factored completions since adoption of the previous plan, but through duty to cooperate clarified the quantum of unmet need to be met and increased the housing requirement accordingly [Part 2 plan adopted 9 October 2019]. "Stepped Requirement" = 2011 – 2019: 1,028 dpa; 2019 – 2031: 1,211 dpa. (The DPA of 1,028 is the average for the 20 year plan period (20,560 overall). The LPA has then taken the total 1,028 x 8 = 8,224 off the new overall total of 22,760 to reach 14,536, and then divided that by the number of years left in the plan (12) to reach a DPA of 1,211. 22,760 – 8,224 = 14,536 14,536 / 12 = 1,211 DPA)

PINS data

Local development framework number: 832

adopted 14 Dec 2016
PINS Timeline
published 07 Nov 2014
submitted 18 Mar 2015
sound 30 Nov 2016
adopted 14 Dec 2016